Monday, September 1, 2008

Pale September

Sunny Weekend, for once. Some people were making a film right outside of window for the entire two days and the streets were closed for hours. This is not a popular part of the town, but on the street (about 600-meter long) where the flat is, you can find more than 5 corner bars, including two or three neo-nazi-tainted, two vacancies which occupied by various business every 6 weeks, for the moment, they are both frisörs, an Asian and an Italian restaurant who offer certain people free Absolute, Gorbatschow, Lambrusco or Sambucca while the customers waiting for their order, two tobacco shops fill with people holding Sternburg in hand as early as 7AM, kebab wraps, fast food left-overs can be easily find on the ground floor window-sill -- one of the reasons why we don't keep the window open during our absence. I suppose the film makers were a lot more inspirational than me.

Sunday, I was invited for a get-together in the park. I hesitated, despite my desire to go.

"Do you have plans?" He asked.
"Too bad," he put on his shoes and said that he would need to work soon.

Something hit me in a split of a second.
"You know what? I am going to the Mauerpark." I took my rolling tobacco and left the flat.
Sitting on the S-Bahn and feeling the heat of sun through the window-- something has changed. Wait, no, things don't change, people change things, we are the beneficials or victim of changes not the things; at times we are so desperate or jaded to a point where nothing but the moment matters. And that moment for me was to get on the S-Bahn and meet my friends.

Lovely day, lovely weekend, for a change, until the moment I stepped in the zone, no one's over-kindness could cheer me up.

We are in September already.
We are in September already.
We are in September already.


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