Friday, October 10, 2008

Reality Show

As some of you might know that I am waiting for a verdict from the highest court in Berlin for ... well... ever. They finally sent me a response yesterday (it was actually sent to my attorney) and asked me to describe how we met, what language we use to communicate, the development of the relationship etc. I read the letter and I felt like being on a reality show or some talk show on MTV... so here is how it goes:


The host --- the judge
I --- me

The host wears pink cocktail dress, fingers twisting her blond hair, holding a microphone under my nose and asks: "So when was your first met?"
I keep staring at her high-heel sandals : can you actually walk in those things? "Eh... we met a while back..."
"Did you believe in love at the first sight?"
"Aw... that is so cute. "
"How was your first kiss?"

The host shows a picture of us walking down the street to the camera / audience:"Isn't that romantic? What a cute photo!"

Ok, cute is a cute word, don't wear it out.

"So, what did you guys do on your first date?"
"We drank."
"That is fun."
Is it?
"What language do you use to communicate?"
"More than one? Aw..."
What is about you and "aw" thingy...

"We will be right back after the commercial. Please send SMS to 66666 and vote "How many language they use to communicate?"
A: one
B: more than one
And the 100th voter will receive a free box of "playtime" condom. Good luck and we will right back."

Commercials include: beer, vodka, playtime condom, car, beer, playtime condom, repeat.
(PS: I noted the commercial time in Germany: they last more than 5 minutes sometimes, more than 23 commercials, and 8 or 9 of them are about alcohol, 5 of them about cars.)

"Welcome back! First of all just let me remind you all to send SMS to 66666 and vote "How many language they use to communicate?"
A: one
B: more than one
And the 100th voter will receive a free box of "playtime" condom. Where were we...yes, languages... do you talk to each about everything?"
"Well... yeah. Can I go now?"
"Just one more question: how does it feel to be with someone?"
"Aw..." (And the audience in the studio "aw" too, then the "applause" sign gets turned on.") "Our next guest is Molly, she owns a restaurant on the 7th and Jefferson, but more importantly, she also holds 'Speed Dating' in her restaurant..."

On the TV screen appears following message:

Send SMS to 66666 and vote "How many language they use to communicate?"
A: one
B: more than one
The 100th voter will receive a free box of "playtime" condom.

The End

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